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By combining competence and kindness, our team is dedicated above all to offering personalized care according to the specific needs of the clientele by opting for a reassuring, warm and human approach.

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Samples and analyzes

A blood sample/blood test is taken from a vein to collect a blood sample. The blood collected will then be analyzed in the laboratory. Although it does not reveal everything, the blood test reveals a lot about our state of health. Several diseases can be diagnosed from a blood test.

Various injections

Some medications prescribed by your doctor are injectable (vitamin B12, contraceptives, etc.). A healthcare professional may administer the medication subcutaneously or intramuscularly. He provides complete care by preparing the medication, administering it and evaluating the effects. He can also teach the techniques for its administration.

Wound care

To maximize wound healing, changing the dressing is an essential step. Regardless of the type of injury, it is important to treat it properly to avoid complications. Some wounds require special attention to promote good healing and avoid infection.

*medical prescription required

Harmony prenatal test

The Harmony prenatal test can detect genetic abnormalities even if you are expecting twins or if you have had fertility treatment including in vitro fertilization. Simple and safe, all this non-invasive test requires is a simple blood sample. In clinical trials, this test detected more than 99% of cases of Down syndrome.

Hormonal blood test

Hormonal blood work may be ordered by a doctor for a variety of reasons, including to diagnose health problems related to the endocrine system, to assess fertility, to undergo hormonal treatment, or to evaluate hormonal imbalances.

Ear washing

Ear washing is used to remove a blockage of earwax present in the ear canal. The technique involves injecting water into the external ear canal using medical equipment.

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